By adding a Sunsynk String or Micro Inverter to your system
Please find a copy of the Sunsynk Micro and String Inverters. These are all fully compatible with the Sunsynk hybrid Inverters and could be AC-coupled with your existing system to give you more power by allowing you to add extra panels onto your system by AC coupling, either on the Load or the grid side of the hybrid inverter.

Adding a string or a micro-inverter can charge the batteries or supply the Load in an island or non-island mode.
For island mode, we recommend no more than 50% of the rating of the inverter for the none island mode you can go as big as you like ( Subject to Grid code compliance )
Click the data sheet to download
How do I adjust the information that determine the ROI please?
Hi, I have a project with an existing 50kW grid tied inverer (Solis), where we are looking to add circa 20kWp of additional panels and battery storage. I am wondering if I need to connect the additional panels to a 20kW Solis grid tied inverter, then a 50kW Sunsynk hybrid with HV Battery set, as AC Coupled, or can I omit the 20kW Solis and connect the new panels directly to the Sunsynk? The diagram "Mode IV: AC Coupled" on page 61 of THREE PHASE HI 29.9/50kW | Installer Manual and this post, seems to suggest that you can connect solar panels directly to the Sunsynk MPPTs and it will operate in AC Coupled mode. Is this true? Is the Sunsynk…
No data on app or web. Dongle shows online but offline on the app. I also had to unsynk time. I know it's convenient to use the server to sync time but wouldn't a local one be better? Also why do I lose data on the inverter screen when the server goes off line? TIA
Thinks - does anyone sitting out there in the Sunsynk nuclear-proof, underground bunker actually read these notes? Or are we simply wasting our time and emotions by bleating and whinging amongst ourselves? It would be good to know. Mr Gough please note. An obvious alternative would be to take this perceived lack of TWO WAY communication to one or more of the social media outlets! If they monitor them as many of the major and more savvy corporations do then that might get a response; but let’s not go that far - yet.
At what point will adding more pv via a microinverter be too much for the main 3.6kw hybrid inverter?
So if you have 7kW on the hybrid inverter and another 2kW on the microinverter, does that risk any damage to the hybrid inverter on a very sunny day once the batteries are full - as it has to throttle back the export from the main panels?