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Residential Buildings with Solar Panels

Approved Installers

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Registered Installer

This is an installer who has fitted more than 3 Sunsynk systems.

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Approved Installer

This is an installer who has fitted more than 10 Sunsynk systems a mixture of single and multi systems, thus demonstrating a good knowledge of the Sunsynk operating system.

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Master Installer

This is an installer who has fitted more than 50 Sunsynk systems a mixture of single and multi systems, thus demonstrating a expert knowledge of the Sunsynk operating system.

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Leisure & Lodge Specialist Installer

This is an installer who has fitted more than 50 systems to holiday homes built to the requirements
of EN1647 or BS3632. These installers also have specialist knowledge of working with micro-grid distribution and single point incomer to multi user distribution systems. They must also hold
Sunsynk Master Installer status to become Leisure Specialists.

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Please note the following Registered, Approved or Master Installers are not affiliated with Sunsynk Limited.

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